"Starting a business is like jumping off a cliff and assembling an airplane on the way down"
How did Clicars get started?
In 2016, Pablo Fernández left his position as the Executive Vice President of Banco Santander to launch with his co-founder Clicars, with the mission to make car buying as simple and enjoyable as driving it, by bringing transparency, simplicity and trust, transforming the used car industry that represent 3% of the Spanish GDP.

The Amazon of cars
In just over 4 years, Clicars has made +€500 million, generating profits (EBITDA and positive cash flow) and becoming in the #1 company in online car sales in Spain.
Clicars has brought digitalization to a traditional sector, allowing people to buy a car from home and get it in 48 hours later at their doorstep with a moneyback guarantee of 15 days or 1,000km.
The largest car showroom in Spain
With +2,500 cars of +35 brands for sale, Clicars has the largest car showroom in Spain in a state of the art facility with +90,000m² in Madrid.
Customers can buy their car online or visit our facilities to see our vehicles in person with an omnichannel model. 70% of customers opt for our 48h free home-delivery service.

Awards & Recognition
Clicars has received dozens of awards and recognitions, including the South Summit Best Team Award (in which Clicars won among 3,000+ startups) and the New Business of the Year Award by the European Business Awards (among 30,000+ companies across Europe). It has also received the RTVE Startup of the Year award, the Best eCommerce Startup of the past decade award from the eCommerce Awards, and the Most Innovative Startup award at the Inspirational Festival.
A team of +600 people
Clicars has bet on young and digital talent from the day one, having a team of +600 professionals who work tirelessly revolutionizing the way people buy cars.