Pablo has 5 Guinness World Records and +10 swimming world records.

Pablo's challenges

36 Hour Swim Challenge
Madrid Spain. January 31, 2022. On January 30th, 2022, Pablo Fernández began the challenge of swimming 36 hours non-stop in a counter current pool with the goal of recovering the Guinness Record for the longest time swimming in a counter-current pool after his previous mark of 25 hours was surpassed by the Portuguese Maira Santos who raised it to 30 hours and 07 minutes.
Pablo managed to not only reach the mark, but also surpass it by taking it to 36 hours. Like in other challenges that he has completed before, he dedicated it to a charitable cause. This time, Pablo dedicated it to the campaign "Fill their backpacks with hope" of the Father Angel Messengers of Peace Foundation, which provides school supplies to children from poor neighborhoods in Villaverde, Toledo and Torrejón de Ardoz. He decided to donate €1,000 for each hour swum for a total of €36,000, he also promoted a GoFundMe campaign in which it managed to raise an additional €4,000, thus managing to deliver the amount of €40,000 to the Foundation.

Miami Florida. July 19, 2021. On July 12, Pablo makes a first attempt that after swimming for 40 kilometers is canceled because of strong winds of between 15 and 20 miles per hour, and waves of more than 2 meters endangered the crew and the ship in which 80% of the crew experienced severe seasickness. The day after the attempt, a plan is put in place and the ship is replaced for a more stable one, the team is changed for ex-marines, ex-military and firefighters and after studying the climate a new date is set for 19 July.
On July 19 at dawn the group sets sail for the Gulf Stream where Pablo jumps into the water. Pablo was closely followed by a boat with officials from the Open Water Swimming Association (WOWSA) who authenticated the record and two kayaks that followed him at a distance of 5 meters to deliver drinks and food from time to time. During this challenge Pablo broke 3 Guinness Records by surpassing his mark for the fastest time to swim100 kilometers in the ocean by doing it in almost 11 hours (in 2019 it took him 12 hours and 24 minutes); he set a record for the longest distance swam in 24 hours in the ocean by completing 225 kilometers in that time; and finally, by breaking the current record for the longest distance swam in the ocean, which had remained unbeatable for 17 years at 225 kilometers and it had taken the Ukrainian Veljko Rogosic 50 hours and 10 minutes set it. The new mark that Pablo established was 250 kilometers with a time of 26 hours and 38 minutes.
Pablo dedicated this challenge to the Cuban cause that was fighting for his freedom at that time and promised to take out 1 ton of plastic for every kilometer completed after raising more than € 55,000. The efforts will be channeled by the Oceans.club organization.

Jupiter, Florida, USA. July 30, 2019. At 07:00 am Pablo Fernández began this charity swim of 100 kilometers near Florida's coast to raise awareness about the environmental impact in our Oceans.
Pablo was closely followed by a boat with officers from the World Open Water Swimming Association (WOWSA) on board who validated the world record and two kayaks to deliver drinks and food from time to time. Following WOWSA's rules, after starting Pablo did not leave the water until the end of the challenge, at approximately 7:30 p.m. WOWSA's President Steven Munatones named the challenge the "Swim of the Century". Pablo swam 100 kilometers in 12 hours, 21 minutes and 14 seconds, setting a Guinness World Record for the Fastest 100km swim in open water. His achievement proves the harmlessness of sharks by swimming in one of the areas known as "the are with most shark attacks of the world" without any protection.
Swimming unprotected with sharks in South Africa. (2019 - Durban)
Nomination for the " Performance of the Year Award 2019" of the WOWSA.
25-hour swimming challenge to raise funds for the benefit of the Spanish Red Cross in the fight against COVID-19. (2020 - Madrid Spain)

25 hour Swim Challenge
This was a charity swim challenge to raise funds for the Red Cross to fight against the COVID-19
Just three weeks after his recovery from COVID-19, Pablo swam for 25 consecutive hours in a counter current pool, at Clicars´Headquarters in Madrid. The challenge started on Wednesday, May 06, 2020 at 9:00 am (CEST), ended on Thursday, May 07, 2020 at 10:05 am (CEST) and this achievement was the third Guinness Record for the Spaniard who exceeded the 24 hour and 01 minute mark established by Yuko Matsuzaki in 2019.
The challenge was broadcasted live on YouTube and Instagram and Pablo raised more than €15,000 that was donated to the Spanish Red Cross to fight the economic effects of the pandemic in Spain.

Redondo Beach, California, USA. October 04, 2019. Pablo Fernández launches into the water equipped only with a swimsuit and shackles on his feet. Starting at 07:30 am local time, Pablo begins the challenge with only one goal in mind: to raise awareness of the millions of marine animals that die each year from the 400 billion tons of plastic in the oceans. Pablo starts with a good rhythm and after swimming for 01 hour and 58 minutes in cold waters, crossing beaches with reckless currents and cliffs, he finishes the challenge of swimming 5 kilometers with shackles on his feet.
Pablo received the Guiness Award by a representative of the Guinness World Records, who acted as the official observer of the swim, and Pablo became the only swimmer in the world to obtain 2 Guinness Records in 2019.

Swim freely/without protection with sharks in South Africa
Durban, South Africa. May, 2019. Sailing from the city of Durban in a small tourist boat Pablo was taken more than 10 kilometers offshore in order to test the true nature of sharks and their behavior. Upon arrival, the team launches bait into the sea to attract sharks and once they start to arrive, Pablo jumps into the water wearing just his swimming trunks and without any kind of protection. He is quickly surrounded by them but together they swim for almost an hour in the calm of the sea.
With this challenge, Pablo proved that the real threats are not the sharks, but the overfishing, pollution of the seas and ultimately human behaviour that is having a huge toll on our planet.

First person to swim across
Ha Long Bay
Ha Long Bay, Vietnam. May 2019.
Pablo Fernández swim crosses Ha Long Bay, becoming the first person in the world to have achieved this feat.

First person to swim from
Nicaragua to El Salvador
Fonseca's Gulf, Nicaragua - El Salvador. January 25, 2019. After months of planning and contacting the local swimming federations, Pablo jumps into the waters of the Gulf of Fonseca, the oldest shark sanctuary in the world, to cross the distance that separates Nicaragua from El Salvador.
The challenge began in the early hours of the morning when, together with his team led by local fishermen, Pablo left the beach of Cedeño, Honduras to Nicaragua where he would officially start the swim. The first two hours were very fast and he advanced quite well but then, the complicated currents of the gulf pushed him towards the ocean, making him deviate from his course. Finally, after 06 hours, 20 minutes and 25 kilometers, Pablo reached the coasts of the Salvadoran island of Meanguera del Golfo, thus achieving the challenge.
This challenge was for the benefit of the Eagles & Sun school, a school for children with special needs in Tegucigalpa, to which Pablo donated €5,000, and for a local fishermen school that was flooded by the sea as a result of the rise in the level of the waters due to global warming to which he donated €2,500 to buy the land for a new school.

First person to swim across the
mouth of the Congo River
Soyo, Angola. April 19, 2019. At 12:15 local time, Pablo begins the challenge of swimming across the mouth of the Congo River, known for being the strongest, deepest and most dangerous river in the world with strong currents and unpredictable crocodiles and hippos.
Accompanied by boat with a bunch of locals, the first few hours passed with relative calm until a group of local pirates tried to assault them but they were driven away by a local police escort boat from Angolan Police service. Subsequently and unexpectedly, the force of the current pushes Pablo into the Atlantic Ocean, causing him to deviate. After fighting against the current for 6 hours and 25 kilometers, Pablo arrives in the city of Moanda, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where he is received by the incredulous eyes of locals who considered Congo as impossible to cross and the "River of Spirits".
This was a charitable challenge in which Pablo donated €5,000 to local schools located at the mouth of the Congo River.

First person to join Senegal and Gambia swimming
Djinak Beach, Senegal. December 30, 2017. Pablo Fernández jumps into the dangerous waters of the Gambia River, known for its unpredictable crocodiles and hippos in what was a solidary challenge to donate money for scholarships for children from local schools.
Accompanied by a boat of local fishermen and representatives of the Gambia Swimming Federation, Pablo started the challenge at 07:22 (local time) and after fighting the strong currents and swimming 26 kilometers, Pablo managed to reach the beaches of Banjul, Gambia. The challenge lasted 09 hours and 56 minutes.