"Changing the world one stroke at a time"

Pablo collecting plastics in his record for the fastest 100km in the Ocean

Pablo is an environmental activist committed to contributing with his swimming challenges to raise awareness about plastic pollution in the oceans through Oceans.club, a social project that he founded and that aims to remove 1kg of plastic from the Ocean for each bracelet sold through the platform.
100,000€+ donated through his solidarity challenges.
All the swimming challenges by Pablo were charity swims; having donated 50,000€+ to date: from schools in Central America, to schools in El Congo or Gambia and even schools in some of Madrid neighborhoods as Villaverde, Vallecas and Carabanchel.
Recently, after overcoming COVID-19, he swam 25 hours nonstop to raise funds for the Red Cross RESPONSE program for most affected groups by the pandemic in Spain. Pablo managed to raise 15,000€+ and achieve his third Guinness Record.

In December 2020, Pablo founded the Oceans.club project, a platform dedicated to clean plastic from the ocean that, with the Acorn Foundation, in India, works with women collecting plastic from one of the most polluted areas in the world; while at the same time encouraging women, what they call, their Ocean Warriors, to improve their life quality through programs and social initiatives.

Promoter of the social project Adoptaunabuelo
Pablo is the promoter of a precious social project, founded by Alberto Cabanes, that connects generations; thousands of young people accompany thousands of older people and to the date they have achieved +100,000 hours of happiness all around Spain. The impact has been even greater during COVID-19 pandemic times. Since elders have been the most affected group by this crisis, thanks to their digital model, more than 2 million older people who live alone in their homes have now the possibility of being adopted by young people to share life stories!

Social action at Clicars.com
As co-founder and CEO of Clicars, Pablo has launched several social impact actions, among which stands out the donation of vehicles to the NGO Messengers of Peace, by Father Angel, that have traveled around the world (+50,000km) distributing food to the neediest people.

Social Investor
Pablo has made investments in startups with social impact such as Ocean52 (which commits to dedicate 52% of its profits to eliminating plastics from the Oceans), CaminoFinancial (which lends money to small immigrant entrepreneurs forgotten by banks), La Pinada (a ecological neighborhood in Valencia), SchoolofWonder (a children's education company) and Gravity Wave (a social startup that creates 100% recycled mobile phone cases from the plastic that they take from the sea).

36h Challenge and Social Action - "Fill their backpacks with enthusiasm" program with the Messengers of Peace Foundation
After completing what became his fifth Guinness World Record, Pablo donated €40,000 to the "Fill his backpacks with illusion" program of the Father's Angel Messengers of Peace Foundation; to provide school supplies to children from poor neighborhoods in Villaverde, Toledo and Torrejon de Ardoz.

Committed volunteering
Pablo has volunteered in a Liberian refugee camp in Africa where he built a school for +100 children that is still operating and in an orphanage for disabled children in Calcutta, India.

![]() Solidary Guinness Record: longest swim in a counter current pool (25 hours non stop) to raise funds to support the Red Cross in the COVID-19 fight. | ![]() Récord Guinness Solidario: 5km más rápidos con grilletes en los pies para concienciar acerca de las condiciones de la vida marina en océanos llenos de plástico | ![]() Récord Guinness Solidario: 100 km más rápidos en aguas abiertas. |
![]() Récord Mundial - Cruzar el Golfo de Fonseca para recaudar fondos para la escuela infantil Eagles & Suns de Honduras | ![]() Récord Mundial solidario - Cruce de la desembocadura del Río Congo en apoyo a escuelas infantiles de la ribera del Río Congo | ![]() Récord Mundial para concienciar acerca de la vulnerabilidad de los tiburones |
![]() Récord mundial solidario cruzar a nado de Senegal a Gambia en apoyo a escuelas infantiles de Senegal y Gambia |